

The Church as a disciple-making community is broken and in desperate need of renewal (View Our Current Reality page). As a response to this current situation, we at Life Spring Network, have developed a comprehensive blueprint for you and your community to dive into the deepest levels of discipleship the way it was meant to be experienced: together. Our goal is to help churches develop into fully functioning, disciple-making communities.

Truly Equipping People for Missional Living

The Omega Experience is designed to equip people to understand God’s mission for their lives and live on mission with Him. We define God’s mission for our lives as: Connecting people in real loving relationship with God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, with one another in contagious Christian Community and with their Calling of Servanthood in the world.

These diagrams are more fully taught in Intro to the Omega Experience Seminar and Body Life Basics.

Beyond Inspiration and Education to Transformation

Even in seemingly vibrant churches today, many members are trapped in shallow faith experiences and do not experience true transformational growth toward Christlikeness. The Omega Experience guides and encourages your church to develop into a holistic, transformational disciple-making community. Growing disciples according to a strategic Life Process aids our corporate disciple-making and helps us to establish a new normal. This Life Process helps facilitate people’s holistic growth in the 9 Faith Functions.

Faith Functions and Spiritual/Relational Life Changes

God’s Spirit guides and empowers us to live by faith in Him. As people come alive in Christ, it is important to help them understand what life lived by faith looks like and how best to discipline their lives to encourage their growth. The key elements which reinforce the Spiritual life changes that God is trying to bring about in all of our lives are:

  • Calling people to Holistic Discipleship,

  • Providing the Core Training to facilitate movement in each Faith Function, and

  • Engaging in a multi-layered covenant community which reinforces this new life in the Spirit.

The diagram below is an example of what we call a Ministry Map, which was created for one of the congregations with whom we work. It seeks to connect people’s understanding of God’s mission, the 9 Faith Functions, an understanding of the Spiritual/Relational Life Changes that God is challenging them to in their lives to the ministry offerings/activities of the church (from personal devotional life, training experiences, worship services, life groups, service projects, ministry teams, etc).

9 Faith Functions

We have sought out the best thinking and wisdom from Scripture and praxis to discover what we call the 9 Faith Functions that the Spirit seeks to enable in and through His church. These Faith Functions get expressed and encouraged through different forms, depending on each church’s culture and context. The key is to facilitate spiritual functionality, or what we call holistic, transformational disciple-making, which accomplishes God’s mission for our lives.

Complete the Process

The Church has become dysfunctional in the sense that we have truncated the holistic ministry of God in our midst. The resources we have developed through the Life Spring Network are designed to help complete the process of bringing people fully alive in the Spirit. Most of the resources that exists are focused on the first four functions/steps in the Life Process diagram. We have created resources, intended to come alongside other resources that already exist, to help facilitate the final five steps in the Life Process, helping people move from first base all the way home to becoming reproductive disciple makers. Listed below are the steps along with recommended training courses to help you come more fully alive in Christ.

  • These seminars help establish the right expectations for a church’s journey to becoming a holistic, transformational, disciple-making community. Take your leaders through Body Life Basics and/or creating a Connection Culture then discuss what is right, wrong and missing from your church experience. Use the U.N.I.T.Y. in Marriage seminar to introduce people to a Biblical view of marriage and the importance of discipleship and covenant community.

    Body Life Basics Seminar

    Creating a Connection Culture Seminar

    U.N.I.T.Y. in Marriage Seminar

  • Take your leaders through the Delta and/or Omega Courses to initiate them into covenant group life, mentoring relationships and growing according to a Personal Growth Plan. Then facilitate regular Renew, Refresh and Refocus Retreats to help them develop and revise their Personal Growth Plans season after season. After you have begun to establish a new normal with your leaders have them lead others through the eight-session Delta Course and/or the 24-session Omega Course as basic training for every believer.

    Delta Course

    Renew, Refresh, Refocus, Retreat

  • These seminars guide people to continue to grow as disciples and go deeper into their calling of servanthood. Repeat this journey for other members of your congregation using those who just completed this journey to serve as small group leaders and mentors. Offer the Empowered Servanthood and Making Cent$ Seminar, as well as other Christian Life Training Courses/Studies, to take people deeper into different aspects of their lives.

    Empowered Servanthood Seminar

    Making Cent$ Seminar

  • These seminars are created to train you in the vital leadership roles necessary to facilitate holistic, transformational disciple-making. Have your leadership team take the C.O.R.E. Small Group L.E.A.D.E.R. Seminar before they begin to lead their own Delta or Omega Course Experience.

    The Omega Course

    C.O.R.E. Small Group L.E.A.D.E.R. Training

  • Training leaders to raise up other leaders and understand the Big Picture of the Spiritual Life Process, both personally and corporately, is vital if we are going to equip holistic disciple-making leaders and churches. These resources were created to help equip leaders to both lead with the big picture in mind and Mentor other leaders in their faith.

    Leading the Omega Experience

    Omega Mentor Training

    Omega Site Coordinator and Live Trainer Training