Creating a Connection Culture Seminar


The importance of connection among believers can be seen in Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17 and in Paul’s call in Ephesians 4 for love and unity in the Spirit. This six-session seminar will give you the guidance and tools necessary to develop a culture of connection, unity and love in which disciple-making can flourish. Without the five elements of a Connection Culture in place and embraced, you will be fighting against the grain of materialism, narcissism and relativism that hinder leaders from developing fully-devoted disciples of Christ.

The Connection Culture Seminar leads your community to understand how to become more: united, caring, smarter, committed to virtuous character and focused on modeling and mentoring others in servant leadership. It is based on the bestselling books Fired Up or Burned Out and Connection Culture and supplemented with Biblical examples and Scriptural support.

Topics Covered

  • The Biblical basis: connection unites the body of Christ and shows He lives

  • Research from a variety of fields on the power of connection

  • The three core elements of a Connection Culture

  • The two enabling elements of a Connection Culture

  • The Virtuous Character>Connection>Thrive chain

  • Intentional Connectors, Unintentional Connectors and Intentional Disconnectors

  • Character strengths and practices of committed members who are intentional connector

  • Character strengths and practices of servant leaders who connect

Participant Testimonials

  • “This seminar has given me key things to think about and reflect on within myself. It has also helped me to see that I can help to defuse many of the negative actions of others and to continue to build a culture of purpose.”


  • “This seminar has raised my awareness of how groups can work toward common goals.”


  • “This seminar has opened my eyes to what I’ve been missing in trying to connect with others. I realize there are moments when I am an unintentional disconnector based on my insensitivity to not listen. A lot of great information that I can’t wait to digest and utilize. This course is full of “ah-ha” ideas to improve and foster better relationships in the body of Christ.”


  • “As a result of this seminar, I am much more informed about the purposes and the intentions of creating strong communities and seeing what really is at the root. My laziness and self-centerdness leads to unintentional disconnection at times. I intend to be more aware of surroundings and the concerns of others.”


  • “This seminar has strengthened the principles of my life.”


  • “The Connection Culture Seminar brought a greater attention to me on what I need to work on. I really need to work on listening better. Many items hit home and would help many people in life and businesses. If I had to summarize the Creating a Connection Culture seminar in one word it would be: change, something to help someone through life – business and family.”


  • “The Connection Culture Seminar brought thought patterns to the forefront and gave me a roadmap for implementation. I intend to listen better to others as a result of this seminar. God drove (guided me) to this seminar and for good reason. I thank God for this guidance.”


  • “As a result of this seminar, I intend to become a mentor. This seminar gave very useful information and can be implemented immediately. God revealed that I need a lot of work on leadership skills.”


  • “I now know how important connection is as a result of this seminar. At times I have been both an intentional disconnector and an unintentional disconnector. As a result of this seminar I intend to go out of my way to connect. I would recommend this seminar to others because it has made me realize how important connection is to everyone. I need to connect with people and maybe even get a mentor. And I will pray about mentoring someone.”


  • “The Connection Culture seminar elevated my interest. I have been convinced that I function as an unintentional disconnector or intentional disconnector because of a lack of follow through. I intend to plan, listen, and follow-through better as a result of this seminar.”


  • “As a result of The Connection Culture Seminar, I feel equipped to do this now. I drift too much. I intend to stop drifting. Jason is an inspiring and contagious speaker. I need to learn more about “true” leaders and hold them up as examples to follow others.”


  • “A lot of great info that I can’t wait to digest and utilize. This course is full of “ah-ha” ideas to improve and foster better relationships in the body of Christ.”


  • “I wish this could be presented in my company”


  • “Very informative and so practical beyond our small circle…even extends to parenting. One word to summarize the Creating a Connection Culture seminar: “essential.”


Creating a Connection Culture
(DVDs and Workbook)

In this practical and inspiring six-session seminar, you will learn the three core elements and two enabling elements that can empower you to transform even a lethargic, disconnected church, ministry or business into an impassioned, innovative and thriving environment by unlocking the potential of your corporate Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength. This seminar is based on the best-selling book Fired Up or Burned Out (Thomas Nelson).

Video DVDs-$25
